Sunday, July 29, 2007

How Rude

Oh my gawd. Someone asked me if I was having twins yesterday! It went like this at the check out of the green grocers.

checkout chick: How long have you got to go?
Fat pregnant lady (ie me): about 10-11 weeks
COC: REALLY????? Wow! Are there 2 in there?!
FPL: hahaha (weak laughing) um nope definitely 1.
COC: WOW you're HUGE!
FPL: Har Har. Well 2 Drs have commented in the last 2 weeks how our baby is a 'good size' for which I think is polite dr speak for 'shit your baby's HUGE'.
COC: Haha, well you are big.
FPL inside my head: this is all very wierd. Although I'm not really that bothered by it for some reason.

And so it went on and even inlcuded her asking me if I think it will hurt. Arrr der. Yes.

But I have actually popped again:

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bump. 26.5

Can someone come clean my mirro please?

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Don't wanna be left out

I saw there's been a posting frenzy....well 2 posts within one hour of each other on the same day. So I didn't want to be left out.

This is the yarn I'm using for my practising knitting without looking project.



And soon hopefully a knitted photo to follow.
So after his first encounter at a buck's party last night, JD has decided he does not find strippers sexy.

My new red shoes on the other hand...