This weekend we had some Sydney friends and their two kids drive all the way down to hang out last night and today. It was really nice to see them. We were to deliver on the long outstanding promise that the kids could stay the nite on their own tonite - but being that Vic doesn't have a public holiday tomorrow they would have had to get up early early and it would have been more of a chore than fun. So we bargained them out of staying tonight by promising two whole nites of staying on their own some time around christmas. I can't wait. They're ace kids and we have lots in common - for example the four of us all love similar toys. Of course we probably have that in common with all kids, but it's nice to think it's unique only to the coolest kids - the ones we like.
So after spending 4 hours eating breakfast and showering and procrastinating with play we finally headed out for an adventure the tram which ended up at the Ian Potter Foundation Children's Graden in the Botanical Gardens. That place is H-O-T let em tell you. It's all purpose built and there's a stream and a kids veggie patch and fountains you can play in in your undies (if it's your first visit and you didn't realised there would be reaosn for getting wet) or your cossie (if your been before and your parents understand just how feasible it is that a child would want to run through spurting water for 4 hours in a row).
The kids were over joyed - although mindful of not missing the closing of the icecream shop - and played till the last possible second when the lady who rang the bell to signal closing tiome hunted us down and followed us ringing the bell giving us such a subtle hint that it was time for us to hightail it outta the front gate.
As I said it was fun.
Here's where the kids spent heaps of time digging. The chaleenge issued on a small sign on a garden stake was to find an ant and a worm which the kids managed to find and a slater, which they didn't find.

It was all terribley exciting.
We ended the day sitting on the grass and the kids ate lemonade gelato (which was really just lemon gelato) while the adults laid around. I snuck off to the gift shop and bought kids each some souveneirs to which they replied upon presentation of said souveneirs..."what's a souveneir?". Hilarious. I got them a slab of nicely packaged slab of plaster with a couple of plastic dinsoaurs hidden inside, a multi coloured pencil and a rubber with the Commonwealth Games mascot on it. The dinosaur thing was a winner and they both ripped the cardboard and plastic off and started "digging" with the skewere digger tool and brushing with the special little brush until they each unearthed a dinsoaur while their Mum and I made snide remarks about how we could just put the blocks in the batha nd dissolve all the water - but where's the fun in that I suppose.
ANyway it was a great weekend and I had a blast. I am buggered and sunburned and pleased to hear the Tiges got up in the NRL grandfinal. As Mum told me I was afterall a Tiger and so I shouldn't dare think about going for the Cowboys.
Gotta get my sunburned face to bed!
Love B xxx
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