Sunday, June 04, 2006

"I promise to love, honour and eBay"

I heard this little piece of gold on Thank God You're Here,
a new comedy show much like theatresports that I think you'd really enjoy Kel (WARNING: they will not close at midnight and kick you out). Unfortunately it reminded me of that little addiction I had a couple of months ago, you remember it, the one I had managed to quell just before an intervention/cutting up of credit card was necessary. Anyway, I had a spare 5 minutes and thought i'd get back on and have a bit of a browse and see what was about (I hadn't even gone to the website for 2 months, honest!) But then I found this. The eBay godess had shined on me - at last an excuse for all of the Amy Butler fabric I had purchased with the intention of one day finding the perfect project for it. So of course I bought it. Nevermind that my sewing skills /pattern reading skills are nowhere near the level they need to be to actually complete this project (or start it). They might be one day. At some stage. Anyway, it was all very innocent - no need for alarm or talk of regression. It's just a pattern...and some fabric. Don't groan! It's only a little bit of fabric! And I really needed it, it's for my quilting tutorial with Shaz's mum. You need a lot of fabric for quilting and I didn't want to my stash to run low. It was a pre-emtive strike. Yeah, they're in fashion now, right? Could you resist this, or this, or this? No, I didn't think so...


Anonymous said...

Gawd, please stop knitting you're making me feel rather inferior! You are the ultimate finisher completer. I think I watch as much TV as you do while knitting but I must have ADD!

Anonymous said...

Whoops, obviously that comment was meant for your last post. Which, by the way the cardi is gorgeous and I might like to borrow the pattern some day when I finsih the 4,000 projects I am working on at the moment.

Nice foray back into e-bay land...whatch yourself young lady ;)

BrownPants said...

Yes, it is a very dangerous thing, ebay. I wonder if there are support groups for people who are addicted. Seriously. Anyway, i'm not 'bidding' on anything, just 'Buy Now' (that's sounds like an "i did not inhale' excuse doesn't it!)

BrownPants said...

And you've made me feel so much better about TV watching levels!

... said...

WOW - you are back off the wagon"!!! i feel i need to be there to intervene ;) the fabric looks fab - cant wait to se ethe final result ;)


BrownPants said...

If it's going to get you to come home, yes- help! I need and intervention ;-)