Friday, July 14, 2006

I heart Sadie and Lance!

My slow postie finally delivered my gorgeous surprise from Sadie and Lance. I heart the material almost as much as I heart Sadie and Lance! Will get a pic of me wearing it on the weekend.

In my craft related news... I have got halfway in the Creative Knitting frilly scarf which I am going to give to my sister for her birthday. It will be my weekend project since my Jo Sharp wool has arrived for knitting project number 2.

I still haven't managed to start my button and ribbon brooches, but I did manage to do another Japanese craft necklace.

And I'm looking forward to our August craft under the doona day because I have been playing with my Japanese material and know what I want to do with some of it (and I think I want to make a headband out if it now I see how great they are).

Aren't you proud of me Shazmina. My ADC is beginning to take flight, and I owe it all to you!


Shazmina Bendi said...

Ahh Grasshopper, you have learnt well from the master! :)

SadieandLance said...

Yay, more ADC. Have a go at the headbands - it's worth doing a few at once cause they're so easy!