Thursday, November 17, 2005

Woo Hoo

Dear Kel,

Woo flippin hoo! We made it to the World Cup. What a great night. I'd like to formerly thank the neighbours, who don't have cable and so had a three second advance on us on the cable telecast and cheered/booed allowing us to participate with slightly lower/higher blood pressure as we could hear them readily over the balcony.

What a night. Needless to say, at almost 2am, I have been celebrating and will most likely regret it in the morning.

A charcoaled BBQ and many many beers were consumed before a group shouting/dancing tv front celebration at the final penalty shoot out goal scored.

We made it to the world cup!


Love B xxx

1 comment:

... said...

wasnt it amazing! wish i had a group to watch with - I was left cheering in my lungeroom on my own!

YAY team! what a corker!