Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Over achiever's, dont you hate them!

So Kel, it has been a while since I posted on here. Those damn craft over acheiver's have been putting me off! :) I have been stuck on two projects, the blanket and a knitted bag, and as I am trying to be a completer finisher, I have been forcing myself to complete before I pick up a new project. They say persistence pays off, and it seems to be working for me, however slowly! The good news is that I am going to knit my first big person project, a knitted chunky pirate jumper! Hopefully I will start on the weekend.

As I dont have a craft picture for you, here is a picture of my favorite biscuit!

Yours in Biscuits,


BrownPants said...

Yay, I like freckles too (could you have guessed?) But I think iced vo vo probably outdo them.

SadieandLance said...

Oooo I had forgotten all about how cool these biccies were till u brought em back into my life Shazmina!