Thursday, July 20, 2006

In the name of Progress

What an entertaining day! You guys crack me up.

I have totally abandoned Fruit Tingles lately (don't tell anyone on Sadieandlance I have a Fruit Tingles cheer squad over there!). Anyway, this wool was calling to me, it's true wool can really do that. I couldn't ignore it any longer the damned thing kept squealing, so I picked it up and got started, this is my mobile project (remember) and it has been on numerous tram and train trips and also even a good stint on the Hume Hwy from Sydney to Port Macquarie and back! It's a well travelled garment this one.

Um the pink and white Mr Friendly things are pins keeping the photo shot in order and professional (ha). I haven't ironed it so it was curling in and would have looked like a pile of knitted nothing, hence the pinning - not fancy pants buttons or anything.

One and a half sleeves to go before I need to pluck up some courage for sewing together. Uggh yuck when will they invent a machine to do that?


BrownPants said...

The colours look great! You're so close to finishing! PS I still don't know who that bloody book came's so wierd.

Shazmina Bendi said...

Maybe someone thinks you should knit for Albie and the girls?? Goodluck trying to get them to wear it!

The cardie is beautiful, love the colours!