Wednesday, August 02, 2006

hmmmm, I have lapsed............

Hi chickadoodles! I will start by saying how much I LOVE this blog!! Have been having a giggle all morning. Feels like we are at a stitch and bitch because you all write like you talk, so feels very real..

Now as a backpacker I was meant to cast aside all luxury items and non essentials for the purpose of travelling lightly, but yesterday, after reading your posts, I lapsed....

I went into town and stumbled across a store with a lovely lady who wanted to show me every ball of wool she had.................... and with great restraint I chose a few from the bargain basket and some needles, so take the edge off my craft cravings....

Now, because I am a knitting moron I am only committing myself to easy squares BUT I suggest that I send them home and they can be the start of the next baby blanket that is required for the fertile ones amongst us.

I bought cotton and using 4 1/2 needles (ick, i know..... these arent my speciality!) and inthe interests of keeping it simple I am knitting 30 stitches and ?? rows...... Havent finished one yet, but will update when I do! but aiming for a square)

Of course I have dropped a stitch already so I have 29 stitches on my first square but as the spanish say..... "mas o menos" (more or less - he he..... my craft motto)

No I feel a little more involved in this blog and less of a voyeur...............

Love you all and thanks again for all the updates!

love kel


BrownPants said...

Love the colours! I love cotton too. Jo Sharp cotton is great, but we'll save that until you get back!

SadieandLance said...

Yipee!! Kel has landed in the blog! Well done for letting yourself back onto the crafting wagon. WHo cares about dropped stitches - anyway Ms self deprecation you're a good knitter. You know I wear my scarf you knitted me last yr every day to work and I get comments ALL THE TIME! People think it's awesome.