Tuesday, July 11, 2006

some support please people!

OK, this is a bit embarrassing. I've lost my mojo. Gone, gone gone. I appear to have exhausted my supply of 'finisher completer' juice, and have emerged in all my attention deficient crafter glory.

These overalls have been like this for 2 weeks. 2 weeks people! What's wrong with me? All I have to do here is stitch around the top of the back piece, add some buttons and then sew up the leg seams. A nights work, if that. But I just can't get it together! And I love these overalls. They're my suffragette overalls! What's not to like about suffragette overalls! There's more unfinished business, but I feel like we've been there already.
Oh how I long for the days of the this and this and this - but good things never last.
BTW, I was planning on making this dress (you may have to click on the tab to see it properly) with the fabric in the background here - your thoughts?


SadieandLance said...

Are you OK? Get a grip lady, 2 weeks is nuthin - the felt counting book is on the close side to 2 yrs! And I LOVE working in felt. It can't be explained easily - though I am troubled by your desertion of Sufragette trousers, how could you?

The dresses - infact all those patterns are lovely! I think I would like to make some of those patterns...

BrownPants said...

you can get the dress patterns at lincraft! (and if there wasn't a spotlight boycott you could get them there too! but there is...)